Review Time Of Submissions For Registration Completed And Transferred In January To June 2024


Submission typeProduct classificationAverage review time (days)Average time of expert consultation (days)Average time of deficiency response (days)Total time (days)
Product registrationClass Il751236312
Class III981175274
Class Il and III961181279
Change of registrationClass Il47068115
Class Ill71067139
Class Il and III65067132
Renewal of registrationClass II210324
Class Ill240327
Class Il and III230326


1.The time in this table is working days.

2.Average time of deficiency response = Total time of deficiency response /Total number of completed and transferred submissions with deficiencies. 

3.Total time = Average review time+ Average time of expert consultation + Average time of deficiency response.

4.Average time for Class II and III products = Total review time of class II and III products/The total number of class II and III product submissions.

5.Time of emergency review is out of the scope of this statistics.